
Friday, 26 July 2013

5 Favourite Male Actors!

So, I did my 5 Favourite Female Actresses and I think it's only fair to do my 5 favourite male actors!

1. Leonardo DiCaprio. I just think he's an amazing actor. One reason, which I'm sure everybody's heard about, is that when he was acting in Django Unchained he cut his hand. Most people would have probably gone to get a first aid kit, but not Leo. He kept acting the scene, even wiping blood across a not-impressed-Kerry Washington's face. It also amazes me in The Great Gatsby when he gets angry with Tom (Daisy's Husband) in later scenes. I genuinely thought Gatsby was going to hurt Tom but he just walked away! Also the way Gatsby looks at Daisy is so romantic, well acted. Another favourite of mine is Shutter Island. Leo's acting truly was amazing here. He played someone with a mental illness and it was very realistic, the whole film was amazing at describing what it's like to have a mental illness. And obviously, let's not forget the classic, Titanic and also Romeo and Juliet which Leo filmed when he was a bit younger.

2. Cillian MurphyI've recently realised who Cillian is. You see, he's one of those actors that nobody knows the name of yet they have probably seen quite a few films with him in. He plays The Scarecrow in recent Batman films, he's in Red Lights, Red Eye - his performance as 'Jackson Rippner' (creative name, I know) was quite freaky. He also played a guy with Post Traumatic Stress disorder causing him to try to shoot someone in The Edge of Love. I'm starting to think he's a little bit of a physco himself! But a great actor all the same!

3. Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp has done so many films, he has his own separate 'filmography' page on wikipedia. Wow.  He stars in the popular Pirates Of The Carribean films, Dark Shadows, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, the voice of Rango in Rango and he is in the upcoming movie The Lone Ranger, released on the 9th August in the UK. I love how he is friends with Tim Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter and how they all make and star in a few films together!  

4. Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey Jr is awesome. He is Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes! I just really enjoy the films he's in, especially Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and the very recent Iron Man 3. Also Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows. Some exciting news is that the third film in the Sherlock Holmes series is going to be released in 2015. Bring on 2015!

5. Dave Franco. I have a feeling there's a lot more to come from Dave Franco. He starred in 21 Jump Street as a drug dealer, which is a very funny film that I recommend. He was also in Charlie St. Cloud and the recent Now You See Me, another film that I recommend. Now You See Me was so clever in the way that the story-line unfolds, at no point was I bored, I was always eager to know what was to happen next!

-A x


  1. Have to agree with you on most of these! I love Leonardo DiCaprio - especially in Romeo & Juliet. Great post!
    Rachael x
    Rachaeleeno | Beauty, Fashion & Thoughts

  2. Leo is my fave too! Such an inspiring actor. He was my first celeb crush when I was little as well haha :') x

    1. Couldn't agree more! Haha he is rather handsome:')x
