
Friday, 10 May 2013

So you're a Braceface?!

Having braces can seem like the BIGGEST thing in your life at the start of the treatment. You sometimes feel horrible about your looks because of them. Here are some things to remember when you're feeling down about them:

-Your teeth will be perfect at the end

-Even though it seems like the biggest thing for you, others only barely notice them!
-As you progress through the treatment it becomes less of a big deal

  • And if you're are about to get braces you may be anxious or worried about it. Questions that you might have are "How long will they be on for?", "Will it hurt putting them on?" and "Will they look obvious?". Your orthodontist will answer all these questions for you as each experience with braces is different. At first, when you have them on it feels extremely strange however you do get used to it within a week or so.  

Another option with braces is to get clear ones. While colours such as light blue and pink are quite light and unnoticeable clear ones are almost invisible! The upsides to clear braces are that from a distance you wouldn't notice them and even up close they are hard to spot. It might boost your self esteem knowing that some people don't know you have them. Downsides are they might stain quicker than metal ones but as you get checked up on every 6 weeks that's not really a problem!

Whatever your situation your teeth will be amazing at the end of the treatment and it's worth getting it out the way now and having perfect teeth later!

-A x

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